Host Family FAQS
What is expected of a host family?
Hosting a student can be an extremely rewarding experience for everyone in the family, yet it is a role that requires time and effort. Transportation to all scheduled events and school related activities will be a major part of your responsibilities. Providing meals and a safe, inviting environment will be a very important part of your role as a host family.
What is required before the student(s) arrive?
Participate in training and orientation sessions offered by Cornerstone Academy. Basic cultural familiarity and education to host families will be provided by our International Student Program director.
How should we communicate with our international student?
Understand the program rules that the student must follow. Provide a safe and welcoming environment for trust and friendship to develop between the student and your family. Support and make the student feel like a part of the family, with the same privileges and obligations. Gently encourage the student to learn and adopt most of the ways of your household. Most students will have limited English-speaking skills. We recommend Google translate to help for the first few weeks.
What should accommodations look like for students?
Provide room and meals for the student. All students must have their own bed. If the student must share a room, it should be with a child of the same gender and similar age. Provide a place in the home where the student may study or have private time. Recognize the student’s birthday and other special occasions. Ensure the student knows how to contact family members, friends, and other support networks. In case of an emergency, know how to access and use the student’s travel insurance policy. Voice any concerns and questions regarding the student to the Cornerstone ISP Host Family Coordinator, including serious homesickness, difficulty adapting to family life or school, or illness. Exercise supervisory and parental responsibility to ensure the student’s wellbeing.
What will the students be interested in doing?
Students will want to know about the local culture. Advise the student about matters related to school, family, community, church functions, and friendship. Winter and summer cultural exchange students will be on a rigorous schedule.
How long will the student live with my family?
Students who come for our school year live with one family for approximately 10 months (September-June). International students who choose to come for a short cultural stay will attend between a 4 week - 9 week stay. Our sister school winter and summer exchange program are about one week in duration.
Are host families paid?
Yes. Host families are compensated according to the time frame and number of students you host.
If you are interested in becoming a Host family, please download the application below or call Rondy Thurlow at 360-256-9715 ext 113 for more information. Upon receipt of a completed application you will be scheduled for an interview and home visit.